How do we protect ourselves and become more cybersafe?

In order to protect ourselves, there are a few key things that must not be given out freely.
- Personal Information such as your address, your credit card information, etc...
- Passwords
Our information is usually locked behind passwords. However, these passwords may be breached if they are easy to guess.
Many websites have implemented password strength checkers in order to tell you if your password is weak or not. Although it tells you the strength, the issue would be coming up with the password.

Here's a good system for creating a password:

Think up a four random common words. An example would be: "Correct Horse Battery Staple"
This password is difficult to guess for a computer and a human since the word length is so long, making it very time consuming to guess if deciphering it letter by letter. It's also not really thought of by a human, which results in a password that is hard to guess.
To top this off, it is easy to remember. In this case, you can think of this to remember:
You can think of a Horse saying 'That's a Battery Staple' and you reply 'Correct!'
The issue with making a password that contains random bits of gibberish like "Tr0ub4dor&3" makes it extrememly hard to remember our passwords.
Since the password length is so short, a computer is going to be able to decipher something like this with a relatively small amount of time compared to a much longer password.

However, if you can't always remember your passwords, websites such as Lastpass or Bitwarden makes it easy to store randomly generated passwords locally whilst also being great passwords as you can modify the length of your password.

Another key thing to think of is to change passwords for different sites. If you keep all of your passwords the same, it is easy to get into the accounts that are most important to you such as your bank account and your email.
It isn't wise to use the password that you use for sensitive information or even imputting private information into a sketchy website since that website can be hacked and all of your information can get leaked.
To secure your account further, many websites offer two factor authentication which are great at their job.

To top everything off, using a good antivirus such as Kaspersky or Bitdefender allows you to detect viruses such as keyloggers that can steal your passwords without you even knowing. Downloading things from sketchy websites or suspicious emails that you don't recognize can lead to downloading viruses and keyloggers. This can lead to your password getting leaked. However, with regular virus checks can also help for finding other viruses that may hide in your computer to help it perform well in the long run.

If your computer was hacked or had a virus detected, it would be wise to change your passwords using the steps previously listed.